AP Tutoring

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Score a perfect 5 on your AP Physics AP Chemistry AP Statistics AP Biology AP Calculus with onlinechalk's proven tutoring method.


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Unlock your true potential and ace AP exam with ease. We train your brain for peak performance and reduce test anxiety with our comprehensive program. Get access to at least 5 real practice tests!


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Achieve your goals with ease: We provide expert and knowledgeable tutors for your AP exam. Achieve a perfect 5 on your AP exam or get up to 25% money-back guarantee* with onlinechalk tutoring.


Practice, practice and more practice

Score a perfect 5 in your AP exam with loads of practice materials. We provide a lot of homework and help students improve their AP skills. Practice your exam with around 450 practice questions.


Our comprehensive service for AP subjects

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AP Physics

AP Chemistry

AP Statistics

AP Biology

AP Calculus

AP Computer Science

Score a perfect 5 with our comprehensive services. Start your AP prep now!

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Get ahead with onlinechalk from the comfort of your home. Let our experts help improve your scores.


Ekta Sheth
Ekta Sheth
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Online chalk is a one place stop for all academic needs of our kids.. the teachers are amazing.. they go above and beyond to make sure that my daughter gets the right attention and care required to excel in her course work. They prepped and helped my daughter crack one of the prestigious and toughest outside the school math test..we as parents are very satisfied with the overall service and approach of the institute. Tough being virtual you feel like the teachers are just 1 phone call or text away and help is available all the time. Highly recommend.
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It is a wonderful platform and easy to navigate. The instructors are very good for math sessions. My test preparations were very thorough. I really recommend onlinechalk
Brinda Chandrasekar
Brinda Chandrasekar
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Garima ma’am has been working with my son for 1 year now. She has helped adequately prepare him for several Math Olympiad and Math Kangaroo tests over the course of this year. I have sat in and observed many of her classes, and am always impressed by how effectively she teaches complex math concepts. My son really benefits from Garima’s ability to give simple explanations to hard problems and he has become a much stronger mathematician throughout this year with her. She not only provides him with tips to improve his skills, but she gives me useful advice on how to help his as well- this is something I haven't seen from any other tutors in the past and is greatly appreciated.
Roshni Matnani
Roshni Matnani
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It’s a wonderful platform and easy to navigate. The instructor are very good for the math sessions. The test preparations have been very thorough. I highly recommend onlinechalk.

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